This kit is meant to give you the resources to create that time limit you need to reset in just 20 minutes. It's packaged beautifully for either yourself or as a gift for a loved one.
This kit includes:
1 - Maker Missya cement mini-candle holder (choose color of cement holder!)
10 - 100% Beeswax 20 minute candles from a maker in Oregon (with Oregon beeswax).
1 - Vial of 12 hand dipped matches from a maker in Poland
Each piece of this package is made by a small maker with intention and mindfulness. We make the cement candle holders as a beautiful and unique peice to securely hold your candles. Every candle is handmade by a maker in Oregon out of local beesewax and rather than an alarm to let you know when your time is up, this candle is a timer to last exactly 20 minutes. Even better is that it burns clean, so no wax to clean up afterward. The matches are each hand dipped by a maker in Poland. This is the perfect set for someone who needs to create that time and safe space for a 20 minute meditation, prayer, or just a reset. We each deserve this!